MALICIOUS DAMAGE RECORDS                41 Charteris Rd.
************************                Kilburn
                                        London NW6 7EY


Founder : Killing Joke
Distr.  : UK - SRD/Cargo/
          US - Darla
Style   : hip hop / ambient / breakbeat / alternative / dub / electro /
          leftfield / new wave / experimental / synth pop / indistrial
          / jungle / downtempo / / punk / reggae / drum'n'bass / goth rock
          / blues rock /


        1       The Orb v Meat Beat Manifesto : Matron          7:12
        2       The Orb v Meat Beat Manifesto : 1855 BC         18:55
        3       The Orb                 Insane                  6:14
MD      601     V / A : THE CLOCK MACHINE TURNS YOU ON                  CD        .2005

        1       Blown                   Nanosecond              4:53
        2       Persuader               More Moments Of You     4:16
        3       Faces Of Sarah, The     Keep Breathing          6:03
        4       Fake Ideal              Every Word Is Yours     3:41
        5       Headcount               Smoking Gun             4:49
        6       Antennae                Rimshack                2:49
        7       Shriekback : The Strongest Wind That Blows      5:11
        8       Carcassette             After Hours             3:45
        9       Necessary Intergalactic Cooperation : Asamblea
                De Robots                                       3:30
        10      Mass Spectrometer       Lab Coat Dude           3:39
        11      30,000 Days             Watchful Eyes           5:14
        12      Shadow Kabinet          Full Moon Song          3:19
        13      Bob Meyer               Mary Lou                3:22
        14      Transit Kings           Oh Shit                 4:17
        15      Orb, The vs. Meat Beat Manifesto : Matron       7:12
        16      Teledubgnosis           Crashed                 8:23
        17      Unknown Artist          Mike's Mystery Track    3:48
MD      602     TRANSIT KINGS           TOKEN EP                        CDEP    06.2005

        1       Oh Shit                                         4:16
        2       America Is Unavailable                          5:29
        3       Japanese Cars                                   4:54
        4       West End Of A Duck Going East                   6:18
        5       Magic                                           5:53
MD      603     THE ORB                 ORBSESSIONS VOL.1               CD      10.2005

        1       Mummie Don't                                    11:01
        2       Sail                                            5:58
        3       Yungle                                          10:34
        4       Chromatik (Orbzone)                             6:00
        5       Eurofen                                         4:43
        6       Sun Of                                          4:05
        7       73.5                                            2:31
        8       Steel Horse                                     4:22
        9       Something Like                                  4:58
        10      Pluto Calling (Twinkle)                         4:11
MD      604     THE ORB                 ORBSESSIONS VOL.1               2LP       .2005
MD      605     SHRIEKBACK              CORMORANT                       CD      11.2005

        1       Ronny                                           4:22
        2       Sea Theory                                      5:03
        3       Waterbaby                                       4:41
        4       Huytfi Dbl Plus                                 3:23
        5       The Strongest Wind That Blows                   4:46
        6       Load the Boat                                   3:51
        7       Troublemeat                                     4:40
        8       Reason With the Beast                           1:53
        9       Bonehead                                        5:04
        10      Voiled Karletus                                 5:08
        11      True Passage                                    2:46
        12      Il Mystera del Tempo                            5:02
MD      606     HEADCOUNT               1000 MILES                      CDS     10.2005

        1       1000 Miles                                      2:55
        2       Die Monkey Die (Fat Potanga's Space Helmet Mix) 2:39
        3       Die Monkey Die (Brains Mix)                     2:40
        4       Die Monkey Die (Book Of Hours Mix)              4:21
        5       A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With
                A Single Step                                   7:01
MDV     607     TELEDUBGNOSIS VS.N.I.C. : s / t                         LP        .2005

        A1      Teledubgnosis           Downrinas
        A2      Teledubgnosis           Echolocation
        A3      Teledubgnosis           The Resurrection Machine
        B1      N.I.C.                  Asemblea De Robots
        B2      N.I.C.                  MRPI
        B3      N.I.C.                  Say U Sick
        B4      N.I.C.                  Inkal
MD      608     TELEDUBGNOSIS VS.N.I.C. : s / t                         2CD       .2005

CD 1    1-1     Teledubgnosis           Ambex                   7:07
        1-2     Teledubgnosis           Downrinas               6:28
        1-3     Teledubgnosis           Homuro?                 7:45
        1-4     Teledubgnosis           Echolocation            4:41
        1-5     Teledubgnosis : The Resurrection Machine        5:12
        1-6     Teledubgnosis           The View From Earth     5:55

CD 2    2-1     N.I.C.                  MRPI                    5:01
        2-2     N.I.C.                  Say U Sick              4:50
        2-3     N.I.C.                  Materialismo            5:47
        2-4     N.I.C.                  Asemblea De Robots      3:09
        2-5     N.I.C.                  Inkal                   4:27
        2-6     N.I.C.                  Segway                  5:28
        2-7     N.I.C. : Say U Sick (JK Flesh Mix)              6:57
        2-8     N.I.C.                  Materialismo (Jesu Mix) 6:13
MD      609     BOB MEYER               ALL THIS IS THAT                CD        .2005

        1       River
        2       I Want More
        3       World Of Beauty
        4       Good Girl
        5       Shoemaker Levy Nr. 9
        6       Tables & Chairs
        7       Deluge
        8       Got To Get
        9       Rolling
        10      Rolling Part 2
MD      610     TRANSMISSION            NOCTOLUCENT                     CDEP      .2006

        1       Noctolucent (Full Length Version)               13:11
        2       Glade (12" Mix)                                 7:02
        3       Anticipated Pleasures                           5:55
MDV     611     TRANSMISSION            NOCTOLUCENT                     12"       .2006

        A1      Noctolucent (Full Length Version)               13:11
        B1      Glade (12" Mix)                                 7:02
        B2      Anticipated Pleasures                           5:55
MD      612     TRANSMISSION            BEYOND LIGHT                    CD      08.2006

        1       Glade                                           6:30
        2       Beyond Light                                    7:49
        3       Bella Rosa                                      5:54
        4       The Proof That You And I Exist                  7:47
        5       Star Stella                                     7:34
        6       Kracker                                         7:53
        7       Slo-Mo                                          7:50
        8       Noctolucent (Album Version)                     7:43
        9       Anticipated Pleasures                           5:28
        10      A Long Season of Rain                           6:08
MDV     613     TRANSIT KINGS           America Is Unavaileble          7"        .2006

        A       America Is Unavailable                          5:30
        B       America Is Unavailable (SSS Ding-Dong Mix)      4:42
                (Note : 7" , red vinyl)
MDV     614     TRANSIT KINGS           Japanese Cars                   7"      07.2006

        A       Japanese Cars                                   4:54
        B       Japanese Cars (Burning Doughnuts Mix)           6:08
                (NOte : 7" , amber vinyl)
MDV     615     TRANSIT KINGS           Butterflies                     7"      08.2006

        A       Butterflies                                     4:25
        B       Boom (Bombay) (Saffron Label 12" Mix)           6:09
                (Note : 7" , green vinyl)

        1       The West End of a Duck Going East               6:12
        2       Stop Over (Dance With Me)                       0:10
        3       Concourse                                       7:16
        4       Boom (Bombay)                                   5:42
        5       Oh Shit                                         4:02
        6       Baby Don't                                      5:17
        7       Japanese Cars (Album Mix)                       4:56
        8       Free Free                                       8:08
        9       Blooze Tracks                                   5:19
        10      America Is Unavailable (Album Mix)              5:21
        11      Wagon Wheels                                    6:06
        12      The Last Lighthouse Keeper                      6:38
MDV     617     DOM BEKEN               I'LL BE YOUR ANYTHING           12"       .2006

        1       I'll Be Your Anything
        2       Will Bates : I'll Be Your Anything (The Rinse Remix)
        3       God Wants To Get It
MDV     617     BELKA & STRELKA         I'LL BE YOUR ANYTHING           12"       .2006

        1.      I'll Be Your Anything (Dub)
        2.      God Wants To Get It
        3.      I'll Be Your Anything (Original Mix)
        4.      Stethoscopics (The Rinse Mix)

        1       God Wants To Get It                             5:32
        2       I'll Be Your Anything (Dub Mix)                 4:48
        3       Sun Or Shade?                                   4:05
        4       Stethoscopics                                   7:20
        5       Five                                            5:40
        6       Strange Vacation                                6:55
        7       The Man Who                                     5:50
        8       Perfectly                                       6:40
        9       Unreal                                          6:20
        10      New Organ                                       4:47
        11      It Make A Sound                                 7:45
        12      May                                             9:08
MD      620     THE FACES OF SARAH      LAMENT                          CD      10.2006

        1       All That You Used To Be                         4:08
        2       Another Breakdown                               4:15
        3       Fallen                                          4:02
        4       If I Could I Would But I Can't                  5:25
        5       You Should Have Told Me                         5:45
        6       Sick And Tired                                  3:36
        7       When The Mourning Comes                         4:34
        8       Nothing Remains                                 5:02
        9       What D'ya Know                                  5:49
        10      Where Were You                                  4:16
        11      Lament                                          6:13
MD      621     ANALOGUE MINDFIELD : A FINE ADJUSTMENT OF TIME          CD        .2007

        1       Reckless Behaviour
        2       The City's Got An Attitude
        3       Guernica Dub
        4       Zak
        5       Rise Up
        6       On Her Majesty's Secret Pissup
        7       Rudy
        8       Cosmic Dancehall
        9       Logical
        10      Guernica Dub (Subsonar Remix)
        11      Revolutionary Heartbeat
        12      Not A Man For Bettin'
MDV     622     ANALOGUE MINDFIELD : A FINE ADJUSTMENT OF TIME          2LP       .2007

LP 1    A1      Reckless Behaviour
        A2      The City's Got An Attitude
        A3      Guernica Dub
        A4      Zak
        A5      Rise Up
        B1      On Her Majesty's Secret Pissup
        B2      Rudy
        B3      Cosmic Dancehall
        B4      Logical
        B5      Guernica Dub (Subsonar Remix)

LP 2    C1      Revolutionary Heartbeat
        C2      Not A Man For Bettin'
        D1      Zak (Instrumental)
        D2      Rise Up (Instrumental)
        D3      The City's Got An Attitude (Instrumental)
        D4      Reckless Behaviour (Instrumental)
MD      623     SHRIEKBACK              GLORY BUMPS                     CD      05.2007

        1       Hooray for Everything                           4:46
        2       The Bride Stripped Bare                         4:06
        3       Burying the Bunny                               3:40
        4       Bittersweet                                     4:09
        5       Amaryllis in the Sprawl                         5:07
        6       Mahalia                                         3:57
        7       Glory Bumps                                     5:43
        8       Squanderer                                      3:54
        9       Devils' Onions                                  6:21
        10      Yarg 7                                          2:43
MD      624     THE ORB                 ORBSESSIONS VOL.2               CD      06.2007

        1       D.A.D.O.E.S?
        2       Ralph’s Cupboard
        3       2026
        4       Shem
        5       Shem Version
        6       It's a Small World
        7       The Giant Bolster
        8       Ba’albeck
        9       Jam on Your Honey
        10      Kidnap
        11      Angel 4 Matrix
MD      625     THE ORB                 ORBSESSIONS VOL.2               2LP     06.2007
                (Note : double LP , yellow vinyl)                       2LP     10.2012

LP 1    A1      D.A.D.O.E.S?                                    9:07
        A2      Ralph's Cupboard                                7:11
        B1      2026                                            11:46
        B2      Shem                                            4:29
        B3      Shem Version                                    4:33

LP 2    C1      It's A Small World                              13:12
        C2      The Giant Bolster                               3:41
        C3      Angel 4 Matrix                                  3:35
        D1      Ba`albeck                                       7:26
        D2      Jam On Your Honey                               6:32
        D3      Kidnap                                          4:26
MD      626     HEADCOUNT               TO THE POINT                    CD      11.2007
MD      627     CANOLA TENDERFOOT       WINNING IS FOR LOSERS           CD      11.2007

        1       Root & Branch                                   4:29
        2       Summum Bonum                                    4:43
        3       Eleven Eleven                                   4:59
        4       Pili Pala                                       3:07
        5       On the Cusp                                     6:35
        6       We Could All Be Happy                           4:01
        7       Time's Table                                    4:10
        8       Another Sorry Tale                              6:25
        9       What Is Good                                    4:59
        10      Home                                            5:03
        11      Spark It Up                                     5:55
        12      No Gold                                         4:27
        13      First Come First Served                         3:17
MD      628     ROOTMASTERS             PUSH ONCE                       10"     11.2007

        A1      Book Of Hours                                   5:02
        A2      Janis Joplin's Mum                              4:40
        B1      Elephant Puddle                                 4:47
        B2      Book Of Hours (Autolump)                        7:42
                (Note : 10"/33.3 RPM)
MD      629     NIC : NECESSARY INTERGALACTIC COOPERATION               CD        .2007

        1       5th Bean                                        3:48
        2       Rat                                             3:33
        3       Beast Of Eden                                   5:26
        4       Tume                                            6:15
        5       Driftin'                                        5:53
        6       #11                                             5:22
        7       Green Room                                      4:33
        8       06411                                           3:47
        9       Connectivity                                    4:35
        10      E-Pluss                                         8:03
MD      630
MD      631     CANED & ABLE            SMOKE...                        CD        .2008

        1       Caned & Able vs Billie Holiday : Trav'lin' Light
        2       Caned & Able            Wild On The Sidewalk
        3       Caned & Able            Never Coming Back
        4       Caned & Able            Airhead
        5       Caned & Able            Soul Clapp
        6       Caned & Able            Deuteronomy
        7       Caned & Able vs Catatonia : Phat Beats/ Bulimic Beats
        8       Caned & Able vs Specimen : White Space
        9       Caned & Able            Deaf Aid
        10      Caned & Able vs Ill Twinz Franchise : Killa Sound
        11      Caned & Able            Orchestra
MD      632     BEATUNDERCONTROL        COSMIC REPACKAGE                CD        .2008

        1       Intro                                           3:36
        2       All The Way (To Heaven)                         7:35
        3       Cosmic Repackage                                7:44
        4       Numb                                            6:51
        5       Interruption                                    2:34
        6       Neighbourterror Blues                           7:11
        7       Departure                                       1:53
        8       Subversion Dub                                  9:38
        9       Finale                                          2:54
MD      633     THE SUNPAULO : ELECTRIC WISDOM SOUND SYSTEM             CD      06.2008

        1       I Against A Speeeeed!                           7:20
        2       But We Want More                                4:54
        3       Another One                                     5:03
        4       Romanov's Boogie                                8:38
        5       Electric Western (Part 1: Fibre Optics)         4:11
        6       Electric Western (Part 2: Everybody Get Down)   3:28
        7       Electric Western (Part 3: Da Da Da Montuno)     5:32
        8       Who I Am                                        4:16
        9       Electric Lady Apple                             6:14
        10      Close To You (Part 1: Entrance)                 7:32
        11      Close To You (Part 2: Exit)                     5:38
        12      Turn On, Tune In,                               4:32
        13      I Really Really Drop Out                        4:59
MD      634
MD      635     V / A : THE CLOCK MACHINE TURNS YOU ON VOL.2            2CD     10.2008

CD 1    1.1     Killing Joke            Turn to Red             3:57
        1.2     Transmission            Glade                   6:31
        1.3     Bloodsport              Bodies                  2:26
        1.4     Headcount               Control                 3:07
        1.5     Killing Joke            Are you Recieving       4:49
        1.6     The Orb                 Ba'albek                7:26
        1.7     Vertical Smile          Explode                 4:26
        1.8     Analogue Mindfield:Guernica Dub [Subsonar Mix]  5:48
        1.9     Beatundercontrol        Electroshocker Dub      6:36
        1.10    Transit Kings : Japanese Cars [Burning Do'nuts
                Mix]                                            5:30
        1.11    Teledubgnosis : The Resurrection Machine        5:02
        1.12    Analogue Mindfield : Cosmic Dancehall [Maya
                Jane Coles Mix]                                 3:41
        1.13    Canola Tenderfoot : First Come First Served     3:12
        1.14    Bob Meyer               Escondedo               1:48
        1.15    Transit Kings : The Last Lighthouse Keeper      5:26
        1.16    Belka & Strelka         Tico                    1:17

CD 2    2.1     Caned & Able            Soul Clapp              4:06
        2.2     Analogue Mindfield : Be Careful Out There       4:02
        2.3     Necessary Intergalactic Cooperation : Driftin'  5:11
        2.4     Shriekback              Bittersweet             4:06
        2.5     The SunPaulo            Who I Am                4:15
        2.6     Transmission            Albion                  4:28
        2.7     Smartyr                 Dark Mother Dub         4:38
        2.8     Belka & Strelka:I'll Be Your Anything [Dub Mix] 4:56
        2.9     Rootmasters             Janis Joplin's Mum      4:31
        2.10    The Orb                 Sail                    5:56
        2.11    High Frequency Bandwidth : High Five Brother
                (Malicious Monitor)                             4:34
        2.12    Nina Walsh : Bright Lights & Filthy Nights      4:07
        2.13    Belka & Strelka         Eternalunlimitedfree    5:01
        2.14    Shriekback              Waterbaby               4:25
        2.15    Caned & Able            Orchestra               4:36
        2.16    Beatundercontrol        Departure               2:03
MD      636
MD      637
MD      638     ANALOGUE MINDFIELD : VISIONS IN SONIC SENSE             CD      11.2008

        1       Anna Be Careful                                 3:29
        2       Political Patsy                                 3:25
        3       Downbeat Rebel                                  3:25
        4       Need A Leader (Dub)                             4:09
        5       Soul Crew                                       4:19
        6       Reflections                                     4:17
        7       Mediocracy                                      3:19
        8       Family Ties                                     4:12
        9       High Beam                                       5:46
        10      Dreadup                                         5:09
        11      Burnt Out                                       4:03
        12      Eire Beag                                       4:36
        13      Be Careful Out There                            3:45
        14      Music Man                                       5:57
        15      Party's Over                                    3:16
        16      Visions In Dubnicolour                          7:11
        17      Need A Leader (Reprsie)                         1:51
MD      639
MD      640
MD      641
MD      642
MD      643
MDD     644     HFB                     Hidden Foto Banks               1DL     03.2009

        1       Hidden Foto Banks                               4:52
MD      645     THE ORB : BAGHDAD BATTERIES-ORBSESSIONS VOL.3           CD      12.2009

        1       Styrofoam Meltdown                              3:45
        2       Chocolate Fingers                               5:13
        3       Baghdad Batteries                               5:09
        4       Raven's Reprise                                 4:12
        5       Dolly Unit                                      5:01
        6       Super Soakers                                   8:42
        7       Suburban Smog                                   6:51
        8       Orban Tumbleweed                                3:32
        9       Pebbles                                         1:08
        10      Woodlarking                                     3:47
        11      OOPA                                            6:12
MD      646     THE ORB : BAGHDAD BATTERIES-ORBSESSIONS VOL.3           2LP     03.2010

LP 1            Stage A
        A1      Styrofoam Meltdown                              3:45
        A2      Chocolate Fingers                               5:13
        A3      Baghdad Batteries                               5:09
        A4      Raven's Reprise                                 4:12
                Stage B
        B1      Dolly Unit                                      5:01
        B2      Super Soakers                                   8:41
        B3      Orban Tumbleweed                                3:32

LP 2            Stage C
        C1      Suburban Smog                                   6:51
        C2      Pebbles                                         1:08
        C3      Woodlarking                                     3:47
        C4      OOPA                                            6:12
                Stage D
        D1      Chucks Peaks                                    9:22
        D2      Dolly Unit Remix                                8:48
MDD     647     TRANSMISSION            DANCE ALONE                     4DL       .2009

        1       Dance Alone (Single Edit)                       4:23
        2       Dance Alone (The Legend Of A Visiting Orb, From
                Another Time & Space Mix)                       6:52
        3       Dance Alone (Ambient Druft Mix)                 10:54
        4       Dance Alone (Detroit Tech Mix)                  4:46
MD      648
MDD     649     HIGH FREQUENCY BAND WIDTH : Hoops For Baskets           1DL       .2009

        1       Hoops For Baskets                               3:37
MD      650
MDD     651     HIGH FREQUENCY BAND WIDTH : EP : ONE                    3DL     04.2009

        1       Harmless Feather Bed                            3:01
        2       Hoops For Baskets                               3:37
        3       Heptofleurobutryl                               6:15
MDD     652     HIGH FREQUENCY BAND WIDTH : EP : TWO                    3DL       .2010

        1       Hundred Forty Billion                           5:00
        2       High Five Brother                               5:47
        3       Hanging Flower Basket                           4:37
MDD     653     HIGH FREQUENCY BAND WIDTH : EP : THREE                  3DL       .2010

        1       Hill Film Blues                                 3:27
        2       Happy Fucking Birthday                          5:40
        3       Happiness Feels Brilliant                       3:14

        1       Hundred Forty Billion
        2       Heptafluorobutryl
        3       How Far Back?
        4       Harmless Feather Bed
        5       Hallo From Berlin
        6       Hot From Behind
        7       Happiness Feels Brilliant
        8       Hill Film Blues
        9       Hey, Fizzy Bubbles!
        10      Hell Fire And Brimstone
        11      Hidden Foto Banks
        12      Holes For Black
        13      Harmonic Five (Beatless)
        14      Hitchcock's First Bugle
        15      Hitchcock's First Blunder
        16      High Five Brother
        17      Huge Fiery Ball
MD      655     HFB : HIGH FREQUENCY BANDWIDTH-THE REMIXES              CDR     07.2010

        1       Hundred Forty Billion (Gaudi Remix)             6:12
        2       Happy Fucking Birthday (Tripswitch Remix)       6:34
        3       Harmonic Five (Broken) (Indidginus Baragouin
                Remix)                                          4:44
        4       High Five Brother (Ivan Novich Remix)           8:45
        5       Holes For Black (81Neutronz Remix)              6:46
        6       High Flying Birds (Hektagon Remix)              5:02
        7       Happy Fucking Birthday (Andy Blake Remix)       8:54
        8       Holes For Black (Indidginus Event Horizon Remix)4:27
        9       High Five Brother (DJ Red And Josh Dupont Remix)6:46
        10      High Flying Birds (Mike Lennon Remix)           5:52
MD      656
MD      657     VERTICAL SMILE          EXPLODE!                        CDR     11.2010

        1       Explode                                         4:28
        2       Automatic Freq                                  9:48
        3       Backlight                                       5:03
        4       When We Were Young (My New Flesh Robot Remix)   5:08
MD      658     SHRIEKBACK              LIFE IN THE LOADING BAY         CD      11.2010

        1       In the Dreamlife of Dogs
        2       Semidelicious
        3       Loving Up the Thing
        4       Another Day Above the Ground
        5       Make It Mauve
        6       Nowhere Nothing Never
        7       Running With the Mothmen
        8       Now I Wanna Go Home
        9       The Flowers of Angst
        10      Pointless Rivers
        11      Simpler Machines
MD      659     AUTOLUMP                DIAMOND DUST EP                 CDR       .2011

        1       Diamond Dust
        2       Chemical Beats
        3       Nelli's Fridge



                SHOOTER 1 & 2

        1       Hundred Forty Billion (Don’t Breath/Explosive Mix)5:17
        2       Happy Funkin' Birthday (Scorching Hot Volcano Mix)6:14
        3       Hill Film Blues (Mysterious Mine Mix)             4:03
        4       Hell Fire And Brimstone (Security System/Fuel
                On The Fire Mix)                                  6:12
        5       Hidden Foto Banks (Original Mix)                  4:49
        6       High Flying Birds (Cool Down/The Attractive Mix)  6:04
        7       Nano Bytes (Take My Eyes/Reactive Mix)            5:44
        8       More Or Less (Survivalist/Freezer Mix)            4:06
        9       World Ghetto (Alien Bubbly Vacation Mix)          3:36
        10      Godisnowhere (Geothermal Torch/Safety Mix)        4:36
        11      Come On Down (Omelette Indigestion Mix)           4:07
        12      Hippy In Transit (Paradise Mix)                   5:37
MD      702     VERTICLE SMILE          SEX,DRUGS & LEISURE             CD      05.2011

        1       Shake It                                        4:03
        2       When We Were Young                              4:31
        3       You’re Not Alone                                4:02
        4       You’re Never Satisfied                          5:10
        5       Blacklight                                      3:53
        6       What You Want                                   4:36
        7       Burning Up                                      3:13
        8       Explode                                         4:13
        9       Automatic Freq [Le Ferq Mix]                    6:11
        10      Can’t Take [The] Pressure                       4:04
        11      Spite Machine                                   7:10
MDV     703     VERTICLE SMILE          SEX,DRUGS & LEISURE             3x12"   05.2011

12"/1           Sex 12"
        A1      Shake It
        A2      Automatic Freq [Le Ferq Mix]
        B1      Burning Up
        B2      You’re Not Alone

12"/2           Drugs 12"
        A1      Explode
        A2      Can’t Take [The] Pressure
        B1      What You Want
        B2      You’re Never Satisfied

12"/3           Leisure 12"
        A       Spite Machine
        B1      When We Were Young
        B2      Blacklight
                (Note : triple 12" set , all 45 RPM)
MD      704     THE ORB                 C BATTER C                      CD+DVD  11.2011

1       Battersea Bunches Original Soundtrack                                   17:28
2       To Battersea With Bunches [High Frequency Bandwidth remix]              6:03
3       Meandering Through The Emerald Turf [Gaudi remix]                       5:09
4       Brixton Hundreds [David Harrow remix]                                   4:39
5       Latchmere Allotments [Nocturnal Sunshine remix]                         4:02
6       Red House, Brown Dog [Being remix]                                      4:59
7       Beyond the Legend of the Battersea Asparagus Triangle [Autolump remix]  8:15
8       Batter C Bunny’s Munching Orbular Marrow Mix [Thomas Fehlmann]          9:03
                (Note : CD+DVD+60 p.hardback book)

DVD     1       Battersea Bunches Original Film                                 17:40
        2       Esmerelda’s Turf                                                5:09
        3       Nocturnal Bunch                                                 4:02
        4       Brixton to Harrow                                               4:39
MD      705     SCREEN                  WE ARE SCREEN                   CD        .2012

        1       The Weather Report                              4:52
        2       Perfect                                         6:49
        3       Just Outside Your Comfort Zone                  5:25
        4       Buzzz                                           6:30
        5       15 Minutes                                      4:32
        6       Can U Hear Me?                                  6:10
        7       Section By Section                              5:14
        8       What A Wonderful World                          7:21
        9       Smokescreen                                     5:40
        10      Gone Phishing                                   6:40
        11      Frogtime                                        3:22
        12      So Lazy                                         3:51
MD      706     HEADCOUNT               LULLABIES FOR DOGS              2CD     09.2013

CD 1            Lullabies For Dogs
        1-1     Intro                                           1:18
        1-2     Liar                                            3:39
        1-3     News Corpse                                     4:16
        1-4     Black Dog Days                                  3:55
        1-5     Sleep Well Tonight                              3:55
        1-6     Greed                                           3:32
        1-7     Heaven Help Us All                              2:46
        1-8     Cross The Line                                  2:55
        1-9     Tortured Tongue                                 3:51
        1-10    Twisted Lullabies                               4:03
        1-11    What I'm Worth                                  3:10
        1-12    Leave It To The Dogs                            4:58

CD 2            Lullabies For Dogs Bonus Disc
        2-1     Sleep Well Tonight (Rough Mix)                  3:27
        2-2     Untitled                                        4:19
        2-3     Heaven Help Us All (Early Mix Without Samples)  2:49
        2-4     Liar (Early Mix)                                3:57
        2-5     Black Dog Days (Early Version)                  4:35
        2-6     Leave It To The Dogs (Martin Fryer Mix)         5:13
        2-7     Hartland Point (Origonal Demo)                  4:44
        2-8     About Time                                      3:37
        2-9     News Corpse (Falling Down Mix)                  5:03
        2-10    Animal                                          2:56
        2-11    Twisted Lullabies (Demo)                        4:23
        2-12    Cross The Line (Demo)                           4:55
MD      707     THE ORB : HISTORY OF THE FUTURE PART 2                  3CD+DVD 02.2015

DISC 1:         north side/fire
        1.      Suck My Kiss
        2.      I Am The Red Worm
        3.      The Truth Is...
        4.      Aftermath
        5.      Prime Evil
        6.      Eurofen
        7.      Let The Music Set You Free
        8.      From A Distance [Blast Master vs The Corpral]
        9.      D.D.D [Dirty Disco Dub] Unite 1 (Mad Orb)
        10.     Vuja De
        11.     Sail
        12.     Codes
        13.     Apple Tree [Abacus Remix]
        14. T   he Orbots Surround The Trojan Horse

DISC 2:         west side/earth
        1.      Gee Strings
        2.      Cool Harbour
        3.      Ripples
        4.      Super Soakers
        5.      Pebbles
        6.      Captain Korma
        7.      Baghdad Batteries
        8.      Dolly Unit FLOWING Remix (previously only available on vinyl)
        9.      Battersea Bunches Original Soundtrack
        10.     OOPA
        11.     Shem
        12.     Shem Version

DISC 3:         South Side/Water
        1.      Chuck’s Peaks
        2.      Dilmun
        3.      Tower Twenty Three [Spud vs. Kreature Mix]
        4.      D.A.D.O.E.S.
        5.      Angel 4 Matrix
        6.      Falkenbrueck
        7.      Edelgrun
        8.      Glen Coe
        9.      Traumvogel
        10.     Golden Clouds (OICHO Remix)
        11.     Soulman (Villod Remix TF Edit)
        12.     Ball Of Fire (Dabrye Remix)
        13.     Fussball (Deadbeat's Champions League Dub)

DISC 4:         East Side/Wind (DVD)
        1.      Golden Clouds Promo
        2.      Brixton To Harrow Promo (David Harrow Remix)
        3.      Baghdad Batteries Launch Night
        4.      Fussball Promo
        5.      Cool Harbour Promo
        6.      From A Distance The Orb vs Gog [Featuring The Elements] Promo
        7.      Dolly Unit Promo
        8.      Nocturnal Bunch Promo [Nocturnal Sunshine remix]
        9.      Soulman Promo
        10.     Jam On Your Honey [Moshino VJ Clips]
        11.     Sinner's Day Live Gig, Hasselt, Belgium
MD      708     THE ORB : HISTORY OF THE FUTURE PART 2                  2CD     02.2015
MD      708     THE ORB : HISTORY OF THE FUTURE PART 2                  3CD+DVD 02.2015


